(contains hipsters, a poem, a list of goodbyes and half a short story)
Dear Reader,
I can't believe it's time for the second newsletter, already. I hope you've had a great month between these dispatches, mine was strictly so-so. You see, I'm currently navigating the highs and lows of an acid-reflux diet. As someone who loves cooking, eating out and a large mug of coffee to kickstart the morning, this has been a bit hard on me. But I've been trying to find interesting recipes that aren't spicy and fried and unsurprisingly, the internet abounds with ideas. It's also kind of lovely to really taste food without the cloak of spices I usually depend on. Now I try and acknowledge juice, texture, crunch and flavour. For a lot of this, I'm afraid I have the hipsters to thank. I learnt the hard way about quinoa though. That it is a thing so tasteless, it carries a warning in its name (quiNOa?).
Bad joke for the newsletter done, let me tell you what's in this one.
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